Writing an About Us page is harder than you might think, especially in an era where people's attention spans are incredibly short. Good stories need time to unfold. But is our story even worth telling? Probably not, but I still want to give it a try. It won’t take long, I promise.

Highkodama originated from the idea of creating Anime & Manga designs that are suitable for everyday wear. Distancing ourselves from the common market offerings of bright colors and sometimes questionable motifs, we chose to focus on minimalist designs. We strive to create pieces that avoid the pitfalls of clichéd or copied elements from existing franchises, ensuring our products are both unique and wearable on a daily basis.

We know what it's like to be on the receiving end of poor service from faceless customer support or to feel duped by dubious online shops. Ensuring the happiness of our community is key because we want to end each day feeling proud of our work. Furthermore, maintaining a close connection with the needs, desires, and feedback of our customers is crucial to us. That’s why we continue to handle customer support personally, providing the kind of personal touch that's becoming increasingly rare in this age of mass-market sales. We aim to create a continuous feedback loop with our customers, always adjusting and improving based on your input—so never hesitate to drop us a message!

At Highkodama, we are committed to delivering the best deals to our community, understanding that not everyone can afford to spend much on clothing. To make fashion more accessible, we offer a free shirt directly on our site, embodying our belief in providing value where others often charge. Additionally, we offer free shipping to anyone who subscribes with their email—a benefit many other brands reserve only for those who meet minimum purchase requirements. Our shop also includes free digital products like anime-themed wallpapers and features regular selective sales. We strive to support our community by giving away items for free and making our products as accessible as possible, all to enhance your shopping experience without the usual constraints.

I could certainly share more about our initiatives, but I want to respect your time. Making it this far shows you take the time to understand where your purchases come from. We greatly appreciate your interest and effort in learning about us. Thank you for engaging with our brand.

Fun fact: "The name 'Highkodama' doesn’t have a deeper meaning. It originated while we were watching 'Princess Mononoke' stoned."